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Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe and 3 Baking Tips


Cheesecake is a classic dessert that has been around for centuries. It consists of a creamy, smooth filling made from cream cheese, sugar, and eggs, baked in a crust made from crushed graham crackers. Cheesecake can be made with a variety of flavors, and one of the most popular is blueberry. In this article, we will share a delicious blueberry cheesecake recipe and three baking tips to help you make the perfect cheesecake every time.

Table of Contents


For the crust:

  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

For the filling:

  • 4 packages (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries

For the topping:

  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup water

Baking Tips

Tip 1: Room Temperature Ingredients

Make sure all of your ingredients are at room temperature before starting. This includes the cream cheese, eggs, and sour cream. Room temperature ingredients will mix together more easily, resulting in a smoother and creamier cheesecake.

Tip 2: Use a Water Bath

To prevent your cheesecake from cracking, use a water bath. Wrap the bottom of your springform pan in foil, and place it in a larger pan. Fill the larger pan with hot water, making sure it comes about halfway up the side of the springform pan. The water will help regulate the temperature of the cheesecake and prevent it from cracking.

Tip 3: Don't Overmix

When mixing the ingredients together, be careful not to overmix. Overmixing can result in too much air being incorporated, which can cause the cheesecake to rise too much during baking and then sink in the middle as it cools.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prevent cracks in my cheesecake?

Cracks in cheesecake can be caused by a few different factors, but the most common is overbaking. To prevent this, make sure you are baking the cheesecake for the recommended time, and use a toothpick to check for doneness. The cheesecake should be set around the edges but still slightly jiggly in the center. Also, be sure to use a water bath to regulate the temperature and prevent the cheesecake from cracking.

Can I use frozen blueberries in this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen blueberries in this recipe. However, it's important to thaw them completely and drain off any excess liquid before using. This will prevent the cheesecake from becoming too watery and affecting the texture.

Can I make this recipe without a water bath?

You can make this recipe without a water bath, but it may increase the risk of the cheesecake cracking. If you choose to skip the water bath, be sure to keep a close eye on the cheesecake while it's baking and remove it from the oven as soon as it's set around the edges and slightly jiggly in the center.

How long does this cheesecake last in the fridge?

This cheesecake will last for up to five days in the fridge if stored properly in an airtight container.

Can I substitute the cream cheese with a different type of cheese?

While cream cheese is the traditional cheese used in cheesecake, you can substitute it with other types of cheese like ricotta or mascarpone. Keep in mind that this may affect the flavor and texture of the cheesecake, so it's best to experiment with small batches first.


Now that you have a delicious blueberry cheesecake recipe and three baking tips, you can make the perfect cheesecake every time. Remember to use room temperature ingredients, a water bath, and be careful not to overmix. And if you run into any issues, refer to our frequently asked questions for troubleshooting tips. Happy baking!

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