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2nd Place Winner At The This Year Mexico Cup Of Excellence 1888 Coffee Company

Ethiopia Cup of Excellence Final Moves from Addis to Portland Amidst

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Cover Ethiopia Cup of Excellence Final Moves from Addis to Portland Amidst (1240x896)

Table of Contents

1. What is Cup of Excellence?

2. Why has Cup of Excellence coffee reached a record-breaking price?

3. How does the Cup of Excellence competition work?

4. What are the benefits of Cup of Excellence for coffee growers?

5. How does the high price of Cup of Excellence coffee impact consumers?

1. What is Cup of Excellence?

Cup of Excellence is an annual competition held in various coffee-producing countries to identify and recognize the best coffees in the world. It was first initiated by the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) in 1999, with the aim of promoting quality and rewarding exceptional coffee growers. The competition has gained immense popularity and has become a prestigious event in the coffee industry.

Each year, hundreds of coffee farmers submit their coffee samples to be evaluated by a panel of expert cuppers. The cuppers use a rigorous scoring system to assess various aspects of the coffee, including aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. The coffees that receive the highest scores are designated as Cup of Excellence winners and are sold at auction to coffee buyers around the world.

The Cup of Excellence competition has greatly contributed to raising the quality standards in the coffee industry. It has created a platform for small-scale coffee farmers to gain recognition and achieve higher prices for their exceptional coffees. Additionally, it has provided consumers with access to unique and superior coffees that they would not typically find in their local markets.

2. Why has Cup of Excellence coffee reached a record-breaking price?

There are several factors that have contributed to the record-breaking prices achieved by Cup of Excellence coffees. Firstly, the competition selects only the top-quality coffees, which are often rare and limited in supply. This scarcity drives up the demand and subsequently the price of these coffees. Coffee enthusiasts and specialty coffee buyers are willing to pay a premium for the opportunity to taste and experience these exceptional coffees.

Secondly, the Cup of Excellence competition has created a competitive atmosphere among coffee buyers. Many buyers are eager to secure these exclusive coffees for their businesses or personal collections. This competition for the best coffees further drives up the prices during the auction process.

Thirdly, the Cup of Excellence has built a reputation for consistently discovering and showcasing exceptional coffees. This reputation has attracted the attention of coffee buyers and enthusiasts from all over the world. The global demand for Cup of Excellence coffees has increased significantly, leading to higher prices at the auction.

Lastly, the recognition and prestige associated with Cup of Excellence have also played a role in driving up the prices. Coffee growers who win the competition receive international recognition for their hard work and dedication to producing exceptional coffees. This recognition attracts buyers who are willing to pay a premium for the honor of serving these award-winning coffees to their customers.

3. How does the Cup of Excellence competition work?

The Cup of Excellence competition follows a rigorous and multi-stage evaluation process to identify the best coffees. The process begins with coffee farmers submitting their samples for consideration. These samples are then blind-tasted and scored by a panel of expert cuppers.

The cuppers evaluate the coffees based on various parameters, including aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste. Each coffee is given a score, and only the highest-scoring coffees move forward to the next stage of the competition.

In the next stage, the selected coffees undergo further cupping and evaluation by a different panel of cuppers. This panel consists of international judges who have extensive experience and expertise in coffee tasting. The judges evaluate the coffees once again and provide additional feedback and scores.

Based on the scores and feedback from the international judges, the top-scoring coffees are designated as Cup of Excellence winners. These coffees are then sold at auction, where coffee buyers bid on them. The auction process is highly competitive, with buyers from around the world vying for the opportunity to purchase these exceptional coffees.

The Cup of Excellence competition not only recognizes the best coffees but also provides valuable feedback to the coffee farmers. The feedback helps farmers understand the strengths and weaknesses of their coffees, allowing them to improve their cultivation and processing techniques.

4. What are the benefits of Cup of Excellence for coffee growers?

The Cup of Excellence competition offers numerous benefits to coffee growers. Firstly, winning the competition provides them with international recognition and prestige. This recognition can open up new opportunities for the growers, such as partnerships with specialty coffee buyers, increased demand for their coffees, and invitations to participate in international coffee events and exhibitions.

Secondly, Cup of Excellence coffees fetch significantly higher prices compared to regular coffees. The competition's reputation for excellence and exclusivity attracts buyers who are willing to pay a premium for these exceptional coffees. This higher income allows coffee growers to invest in their farms, improve infrastructure, and provide better working conditions for their employees.

Thirdly, the feedback provided by the cuppers and judges during the competition is invaluable for coffee growers. It helps them understand the quality of their coffees and identify areas for improvement. This feedback allows growers to refine their cultivation and processing methods, resulting in higher-quality coffees in the future.

Lastly, the Cup of Excellence competition provides a platform for coffee growers to network with industry professionals and fellow farmers. This networking opportunity allows them to learn from others, exchange knowledge and experiences, and stay updated with the latest trends and practices in the coffee industry.

5. How does the high price of Cup of Excellence coffee impact consumers?

The high price of Cup of Excellence coffee has both direct and indirect impacts on consumers. Directly, consumers who are willing to pay the premium price can enjoy a unique and exceptional coffee experience. Cup of Excellence coffees are known for their complex flavors, distinct aromas, and superior quality. By purchasing these coffees, consumers can indulge in a luxurious and exclusive coffee drinking experience.

Indirectly, the high price of Cup of Excellence coffee has a trickle-down effect on the coffee industry. The competition sets a benchmark for quality, encouraging other coffee producers to strive for excellence. As more farmers focus on producing high-quality coffees, the overall quality of specialty coffees improves. Consumers, even those who do not purchase Cup of Excellence coffees, benefit from a wider range of high-quality coffees available in the market.

Additionally, the high prices achieved by Cup of Excellence coffees create a positive perception of the coffee industry. It highlights the value and artistry of coffee production and elevates the status of coffee as a premium beverage. This perception shift encourages consumers to appreciate and value coffee more, leading to a greater demand for specialty coffees in general.

However, it is important to note that the high prices of Cup of Excellence coffees may also make them inaccessible to some consumers. The premium price tag can limit the accessibility of these exceptional coffees to a niche market of coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs. This exclusivity, while contributing to the allure of Cup of Excellence, may also create a barrier for those who are unable or unwilling to pay the high prices.


Cup of Excellence coffee has reached record-breaking prices due to its exceptional quality, limited supply, competitive bidding process, global demand, and the prestige associated with winning the competition. The competition has not only benefited coffee growers by providing them with recognition, higher income, and valuable feedback, but it has also had a positive impact on consumers by offering them unique and superior coffee experiences.

As the Cup of Excellence competition continues to grow in popularity and influence, it will likely further shape the coffee industry, encouraging farmers to focus on quality and pushing the boundaries of coffee production. The high prices achieved by Cup of Excellence coffees serve as a testament to the dedication and skill of coffee growers, while also inspiring consumers to appreciate and value the artistry of coffee.

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