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How To Make Elderflower Champagne At Home This Recipe Has Several

This is one of the best classic champagne cocktails out there! It's

This is one of the best classic champagne cocktails out there! It's jpg (600x900)

Cover This is one of the best classic champagne cocktails out there! It's (600x900)

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What is The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail Recipe?

The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail is a refreshing and sophisticated cocktail that combines the rich flavors of bourbon with the floral notes of elderflower and the effervescence of champagne. It is a perfect drink for special occasions or for those who appreciate a well-crafted cocktail.

How do you make The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail?

To make The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add 2 ounces of bourbon.
  3. Add 1 ounce of elderflower liqueur.
  4. Add a dash of bitters.
  5. Shake well to combine the ingredients.
  6. Strain the cocktail into a chilled champagne flute.
  7. Top off the glass with champagne.
  8. Garnish with a lemon twist or a fresh flower.

Enjoy The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail!

What are the ingredients needed for The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail?

The ingredients needed for The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail are:

  • 2 ounces of bourbon
  • 1 ounce of elderflower liqueur
  • A dash of bitters
  • Champagne
  • Lemon twist or fresh flower for garnish

These ingredients can be easily sourced from your local liquor store or online.

What is the origin of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail?

The origin of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail can be traced back to the iconic Freemans restaurant in New York City. Freemans is known for its rustic American cuisine and creative cocktails, and The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail is one of their signature drinks.

The cocktail was created by mixologists at Freemans who wanted to craft a drink that combined the smoothness of bourbon with the delicate floral flavors of elderflower. The addition of champagne adds a touch of elegance and effervescence to the cocktail, making it a favorite among patrons.

Over the years, The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail has gained popularity beyond the walls of Freemans and has become a sought-after drink in cocktail bars and restaurants around the world.

What are some variants of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail?

While The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail is a delightful drink on its own, there are some variants that you can try to add your own twist to the recipe. Here are a few ideas:

1. Berry Twist:

Add a handful of fresh berries, such as raspberries or blackberries, to the cocktail shaker before shaking the ingredients. This will infuse the cocktail with a burst of fruity flavor.

2. Citrus Kick:

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon or lime into the cocktail shaker before adding the other ingredients. This will give the cocktail a tangy and refreshing citrus kick.

3. Herbal Infusion:

Add a sprig of fresh herbs, such as mint or rosemary, to the cocktail shaker. Gently muddle the herbs to release their fragrant oils before adding the other ingredients. This will add an herbal aroma and flavor to the cocktail.

4. Sweet and Spicy:

Add a small amount of honey or maple syrup to the cocktail shaker along with a pinch of chili flakes or a few drops of hot sauce. This will create a sweet and spicy variation of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail.

Feel free to experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create your own unique version of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail!


The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail is a sophisticated and delightful drink that combines the rich flavors of bourbon with the floral notes of elderflower and the effervescence of champagne. It is a cocktail that is perfect for special occasions or for those who appreciate a well-crafted drink.

In this article, we explored the origins of The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail and learned how to make it. We also discovered some variants of the cocktail that you can try to add your own twist to the recipe.

Whether you prefer the classic recipe or one of the variants, The Devereaux Freemans Nyc Bourbon Elderflower Champagne Cocktail is sure to impress your guests and elevate any celebration. Cheers!

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