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New Features And Online Configurator Available For The Schaerer Coffee

We’re Proud to Introduce New Features in Mobile Apps Industry. Know

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Table of Contents

  1. What are the new features introduced by Schaerer for contactless preparation and payment?
  2. How does contactless preparation and payment work?
  3. What are the benefits of contactless preparation and payment?
  4. Are there any security concerns with contactless preparation and payment?
  5. How can businesses implement contactless preparation and payment?

What are the new features introduced by Schaerer for contactless preparation and payment?

Schaerer, a leading manufacturer of coffee machines and equipment, has recently introduced innovative features to enhance the contactless preparation and payment process. These new features aim to provide a seamless and convenient experience for both customers and businesses.

One of the key features introduced by Schaerer is the integration of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology into their coffee machines. NFC technology allows customers to make contactless payments using their smartphones or other compatible devices. By simply tapping their device on the machine, customers can quickly and securely complete their payment without the need for physical contact or cash.

In addition to contactless payment, Schaerer has also introduced touchless preparation features. These features utilize advanced sensor technology to enable customers to customize their coffee orders without having to physically touch the machine. Customers can simply interact with the machine's intuitive interface by hovering their hand or finger over the desired options, making the whole process more hygienic and convenient.

Furthermore, Schaerer has implemented cloud connectivity in their machines, allowing businesses to remotely manage and monitor their coffee machines. This feature enables businesses to easily track inventory, monitor machine performance, and even update recipes and settings from a central location. The cloud connectivity also facilitates seamless integration with mobile apps, loyalty programs, and other digital platforms, enhancing the overall customer experience.

How does contactless preparation and payment work?

Contactless preparation and payment work by leveraging modern technology to minimize physical contact between customers and coffee machines. With contactless payment, customers can make transactions by simply tapping their smartphones or compatible devices on the machine's NFC-enabled payment terminal. The payment information is securely transmitted and processed, allowing for a quick and convenient transaction.

For contactless preparation, advanced sensor technology is used to detect the presence and gestures of customers. By hovering their hand or finger over the machine's touchless interface, customers can select their desired coffee options, customize their order, and start the preparation process without physically touching the machine. This not only reduces the risk of cross-contamination but also provides a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Both contactless payment and preparation rely on the integration of various technologies, such as NFC, sensors, and cloud connectivity. These technologies work together to create a seamless and efficient process, ensuring that customers can enjoy their coffee without unnecessary physical contact or hassle.

What are the benefits of contactless preparation and payment?

Contactless preparation and payment offer numerous benefits for both customers and businesses:


Contactless payment eliminates the need for customers to carry cash or credit cards, making transactions quick and hassle-free. Similarly, contactless preparation allows customers to customize their coffee orders without having to physically interact with the machine, saving time and effort.


By minimizing physical contact between customers and machines, contactless preparation and payment help maintain a high level of hygiene. This is especially important in public spaces where multiple people use the same coffee machines.


Contactless payment and preparation significantly reduce transaction and waiting times. Customers can complete their payments and place their orders more quickly, leading to faster service and improved customer satisfaction.

Increased Sales

Contactless payment encourages impulse purchases as customers do not need to worry about carrying enough cash or entering their card details. This can lead to increased sales and revenue for businesses.

Remote Management

The cloud connectivity feature allows businesses to remotely manage and monitor their coffee machines. This enables them to track inventory, analyze sales data, and make real-time adjustments to optimize their operations. Remote management also reduces the need for on-site maintenance, saving time and resources.

Are there any security concerns with contactless preparation and payment?

While contactless preparation and payment offer numerous benefits, there are potential security concerns that need to be addressed:

Data Security

With contactless payment, customers' payment information is transmitted wirelessly. It is essential to ensure that this data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. Businesses need to adopt robust security measures and comply with industry standards to safeguard customer data.

Device Compatibility

Not all devices are compatible with NFC technology. It is crucial for businesses to ensure that their coffee machines support a wide range of devices, allowing customers to make contactless payments using their preferred devices.

User Authentication

For secure transactions, it is important to implement strong user authentication methods. This could include requiring a PIN or biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to authorize contactless payments.

Data Privacy

Businesses should clearly communicate their data privacy policies to customers. They should obtain consent for data collection and usage, and ensure that customer information is handled in compliance with privacy regulations.

How can businesses implement contactless preparation and payment?

Implementing contactless preparation and payment requires careful planning and investment in the right technology. Here are some steps businesses can take to implement these features:

Choose the Right Equipment

Businesses should invest in coffee machines that are equipped with NFC technology and touchless preparation features. They should consider factors such as compatibility, reliability, and ease of use when selecting the equipment.

Ensure Network Connectivity

For cloud connectivity and remote management features to work effectively, businesses need to ensure reliable network connectivity. They should have a secure and stable internet connection to enable seamless data transfer between the coffee machines and the central management system.

Train Staff and Customers

Businesses should provide comprehensive training to their staff on how to operate the contactless machines and assist customers with any questions or issues. Additionally, customers should be educated about the benefits of contactless preparation and payment and how to use the features effectively.

Address Security Concerns

Businesses should prioritize data security and take steps to address potential vulnerabilities. This includes implementing robust encryption measures, regularly updating software and firmware, and monitoring for any suspicious activity.

Communicate with Customers

Businesses should communicate the availability of contactless preparation and payment options to their customers. This can be done through signage, websites, social media, and other marketing channels. Clear and concise instructions on how to use the features should also be provided.

Collect Feedback and Make Improvements

After implementing contactless preparation and payment, businesses should seek feedback from both staff and customers. This feedback can help identify any issues or areas for improvement, allowing businesses to make necessary adjustments and enhance the overall experience.


Schaerer's introduction of new features for contactless preparation and payment brings significant benefits to both customers and businesses. The integration of NFC technology, touchless preparation, and cloud connectivity enhances convenience, hygiene, and speed. However, it is crucial to address security concerns related to data protection and device compatibility. By following best practices and implementing the right technology, businesses can successfully implement contactless preparation and payment, providing a seamless and safe experience for their customers.

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